
to call forth or up;

to bring to mind or recollection

Breathwork is more than just breathing - it’s about bringing awareness to, or ,“bringing to mind”, something that we usually do without thinking. Essentially, making the unconscious, conscious. As we focus on our breath, we may also uncover old or unexplored feelings, emotions, and stories. Oftentimes, awareness is the first step towards healing.

About Me

My name is Nico Panepinto, founder of Evoke Breathwork.

The desire to continue to take care of myself mentally, physically and spiritually is what lead me to breathwork. Like a lot of people, I have struggled with anxiety and depression throughout my life. I can remember from an early age feeling like a dark cloud could randomly come in and hang over my head, and I couldn’t figure out why or what it was. I didn’t know what to do with it or how to manage it, and that lead to a lot of challenging emotions, thoughts, and experiences. I’m also a lifelong athlete, playing multiple sports growing up and even captaining a division 1 athletic program in college. My athletic background helped shape my foundation of always striving to be at my best, and to engage in activities that push my boundaries.

To me, breathwork is the perfect balance of a mental, emotional and spiritual practice, yet it’s also grounded in physical benefits. Prior to discovering breathwork, I had existing yoga and meditation practices, dating back to the early 2010’s, but breathwork is where I really got hooked. As I practiced and learned more, I only became more interested, which ultimately lead me to get my certification as a teacher in March 2021.

Since then, I have gained so much from this ancient and beautiful practice - I’ve become more self aware (both of my emotions and my physical body), gained more clarity, increased my focus and creativity, and decreased anxiety. It’s an honor to be able to take some of these lessons I’ve learned, that have benefited me so much, and share them with others. If any of this resonates with you, or if you’re curious to learn more, I would love to connect.